Different Types of Strollers

vintage red stroller vacant on a sidewalk

Stroller shopping can be an overwhelming experience for new parents. I understand! I was there too. (Five times, actually!) There are so many types of strollers on the market. However, the process can become extremely frustrating for moms and dads to be.

So many different types of strollers are available on the market, each with unique features and functions. These strollers cater to the different lifestyles and different needs of parents.

This is why it's important to FIRST figure out which type (or types) of stroller will best fit your individual needs. From there, the fun begins with actually choosing your favorite stroller! Let’s start with learning several of the most popular types of strollers to narrow down your search.

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Full Sized Strollers

These types of strollers are sturdy and versatile strollers perfect for everyday use. These strollers can easily ride on sidewalks and basic trails. Standard options usually include oversized canopies, adequate storage space, and a fully reclining seat for a sleepy baby. Simple add ons like cup holders and snack trays end up being so helpful.

These strollers are adaptable and are probably most widely used with parents overall.  Some of these types of strollers tend to be on the heavier side. If you regularly use public transportation or need to routinely go up and down the stairs, you may want to keep this in mind.

Umbrella Strollers

These are lightweight strollers and score a lot of points for being easy to pull in and out of the car. (In fact, I used to keep the whole stroller opened in my trunk to just pull out for quick and easy use.) They are easy to fold, making them convenient for parents on the go. Many parents choose to use these as a travel stroller.

However, umbrella strollers may lack some features compared to full-sized strollers. Keep in mind that many umbrella strollers are only ideal for older babies, usually 6 months and older. Parents often choose an umbrella stroller in addition to a main stroller.

Jogging Strollers

Jogging strollers are designed specifically for parents who want to maintain their active lifestyle after baby is born. These types of strollers have three large tires designed for a smooth ride during runs or walks. Strollers sometimes have the front tire lock in place, which helps parents stay steady while running.

Just like the umbrella strollers, jogging strollers are often not recommended for use with newborn babies. Please check with your trusted pediatrician before using a jogging stroller if your baby is under a year old.

Double Strollers

These types of strollers do what you would imagine - the ability to push around two children. Whether you are pregnant with twins, or have an older child who also needs to be contained in a stroller, this would be one to put on the top of your list.

Depending on your preferences, you can either get side by side seats (tandem) or front and back seats. Double strollers may be a necessity for some parents but keep in mind that these types of strollers will often weigh significantly more than single strollers.

Will you have an older child (age 4+) when baby is born? You may want to consider a Sit and Stand stroller.

People often confuse the last two stroller types. Let's look at these seemingly similar (but incredibly different!) stroller options.

Travel System Strollers

a full sized black stroller and a matching car seat next to it
Chicco Bravo Travel System

These types of strollers are like regular full size strollers, but offers car seat adaptability. This means they can also hold an infant car seat on top of the seat. 

If your newborn baby has fallen asleep in the car, wouldn’t you rather lift the car seat directly out of the car and click it easily onto the stroller? That's a no-brainer!

The great thing about this type of stroller is that it grows with baby. Once the baby grows out of the infant seat (or you want to put the baby directly into the stroller), you have a full sized stroller ready for you.

Car Seat Carriers

a black snap-n-go car seat carrier base
Baby Trend Snap-N-Go EX Carrier

These are not strollers on their own. This is a lightweight frame specifically designed to connect to an infant car seat. This stroller frame serves as a convenient way to move a sleeping baby from the car to the stroller without disturbing them.

Some frames are universal or are compatible with several different infant seat brands. Many new parents choose this option as baby's first infant stroller.

Whew. I know this is a lot of information. Hopefully this short guide was helpful! After learning about types of strollers, you should feel confident that the perfect one is out there for you.

Take the time to think through your daily routines, your future needs, and weigh the pros and cons of each type of stroller. I’m sure you will find the perfect stroller for your family in no time!

Ready to learn about the different types of car seats? Read about them here!

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